The recent pandemic brought with it many challenges. But it also presented opportunities – one of which was the opportunity to take the creative skills I developed over a long career in journalism/publishing to retrain as a frontend developer. One could say I’ve returned to my roots (my first degree was in Business Information Systems).
Over the past year I have immersed myself in the subject. By following MDN’s structured web development course, I have developed a high-level of competence in building fully functional, innovative and pixel perfect web applications.
I have a particular interest in designing websites and creating performant animations with code. I am currently expanding my knowledge of animation libraries and techniques (for example: Canvas, Three.js). I hope in time to develop an expert knowledge in order to create the best digital work out there – following the likes of studios such as Locomotive, Superhero Cheesecake and Immersive Garden.
When I’m not attempting to learn everything there is to know about code, and what it can achieve, I can be found writing (I am in the middle of writing my first novel), playing with my cat, or petitioning to save every little (and big) organism that we are fortunate to co-habit with on the planet.
Contact me about work opportunities, collaborations or any other related matter using the email below.